Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “kata”
RESTGames – More than katas
Today, Christian (@theUniC) and I (@buenosvinos) would like to introduce you “REST Games“: Games based in REST Services for learning and practicing coding.
Its goal is to provide some coding challenges that go beyond katas. You will have to implement a small JSON REST API that will play a well known multiplayer game, such as battleship, connect-4, tic-tac-toe, etc. The best part comes when two mates develop the same JSON REST API and you can use our referees programs two make them play one against the other. Who will win?
Guía para el Desarrollo Profesional PHP (edición 2014)
Rascando por Youtube, encontré este vídeo de 2014, de una presentación que hice en LaSalle inspirada por otra que hice en Castellón en 2011. La idea es hacer un overview del ecosistema PHP y puntos importantes a la hora de montar un ciclo de desarrollo basado en esta tecnología. Que la disfrutéis.
kata/php: PHP skeleton for doing coding katas
Something a bit annoying when doing a kata is setting up the environment so you can start. Typically, you need composer, define dependencies, setting up the autoloading policy, creating some folders and so on. All this work is not necessary anymore. I have created a silly but useful project in packagist in order to start with your kata in just one command.
Kata: Bowling Game
Kata: Prime Factors
Although quite short, this kata is fascinating in the way it shows how “if” statements become “while” statements as the number of test cases increase. It’s also a wonderful example of how algorithms sometimes become simpler as they become more general.
Easy / 40 minutes